This Game was made for the GMTK game jam 2021 and was a blast to make.

First of all i reccomend you downloading the .exe version as in the web build the lighting is a bit scuffed

the game is about connecting power to switches, its a simple puzzle game where the red containers give power and the purple ones need power to open doors and various other things.  
you "join them together" with pylons which you can place on any surface but you only have a limited supply of them so better make them count.

Pylons will connect aslong as the other pylon is within 3 meters and they have direct line of sight to each other. Get creative with where you place them they are very sticky

WASD to move

Left click to place pylons
Right click to remove pylons

Art: Murten101

Code: Murten101

Sound: Jabberwocky / Murten101

Removing pylons can cause pylons that should be powered to loose power. This can be fixed by picking up these pylons and placing them back down.
i didn't have time to fix the sector scanning algorithm :( 

you slide of the platform when it moves so you will have to move along with it


Powered 129 MB

Install instructions

run the  GMTKjam.exe in the zip


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Almost as good as this cool new game called Russian Mailman Simulator on steam!

uhm, i waited like 10 minutes... and its still loading?? 
not a problem from my side, I'm able to play other games just fine

odd, it loads fine for me. if its not working you can always download it.